Thursday, July 9, 2009

I post!!!!!!!!!!!

So sorry I have not posted I was just going to leave my blog because I don't have time:-( But I thought I just left a cliff hanger with the way I left it so here is probably one of my last posts!

The twins are still in Africa:-( We know this is all in God's hands! Our family has complete peace about it!!!!!!!!!!! The president still has a hold on the adoptions and because of that many families are feeling discouraged, fearful and just plain mad!!! So I am pleading for all of you to really pray for the situation. Thanks so much and I will post if I can:-)

I will tell you when the twins get here:-)

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Please pray! The adoptions are put on hold and that means we are not sure when we will be going to Africa and getting the twins. No one is sure when the government will open things up. The lady that is in charge of the children's home we are adopting from is sure that this is just temporary. But there are families that were there before the hold to pick up their children but now they are having to leave due to not being able to get the children's visas and they have to take care of things back here in the states. They had to leave the children until this is all cleared up. This is very hard as you can imagine to have seen your children in Africa and hold them in your arms and then have to say good bye. We know a family that is coming back and there children that they are adopting are having to stay in the children's home. This is not just hard on the families that have hoped to come home with thier children but also hard on the kids that have to stay there. We all know that all things work out for the best when God's hand is in it!!!"Rest in the Lord and wait patiently on him"Psalms 37:7 "God help all of us that are waiting to have patience and for the people in the government in Africa that this all will pass with out hard ships breaking out with in the people there. God give the people wisdom that are having to deal with all this! And help all of us here and in Africa to know how to pray! God I strongly believe that your hand is in this and you will bring people closer to you during this time. Our God is a strong and mighty God who can do anything and I believe he does all thing for good! Praise and give thanks in time of trouble and God will show his face and shine!!!


Having tea...not vary ladylike!!!(I had put a cheerio in the tea cup)

I don't remember how long ago it was but this is a hamster I had and her name was Searri....I loved taking pictures of her! And most of the time she cooperated after a million rasins/cheerios:)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Great memories....

Here are a few times that I was really happy to have a camera in my hand.......

( Outide having fun)
(First fish EVER)

This is self explanatory....

( Jesus's princess)

king of the playground.................

Climbing trees...................

This guy must have a mechanical mind.....


This last summer I was in one of a friend's wedding and this is a few pictures we took before the camera died:-(

All ready to take pictures....
Getting ready...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

My day......................

Today after church we went out to eat with some friends ( I was so hungry). Then us girls went shopping!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry that I don't have any pictures I did not have my camera:-(

Saturday, January 24, 2009

This is my little sister....


My little sister wanted her picture on the blog when she saw the boys so this is for her:-)